The following is a continuously evolving list of selected web sites providing health and safety tips and information applicable to Child Care settings.
If you know of a listing or topic that should be added or find a link that is no longer working please contact us.
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Asthma and Children (American Lung Association)
- Asthma in Children (MEDLINEplus Health Information)
- Asthma in Infants (Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America)
- Asthma Information Handbook for Early Care and Education Providers (California Childcare Health Program)
- Childhood Asthma (Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America)
- Bicycle Safety
- Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute
- Bicycle Safety and Skills Education: Preschool Cyclists Ages 1-5 (Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center)
- Biting
- Understanding and Responding to Children Who Bite (National Association for the Education of Young Children)
- Dealing with Biting Behaviors in Young Children (Early Childhood and Parenting -ECAP-Collaborative)
- Fact Sheets for Families: Biting (California Childcare Health Program)
- Brain Development
- Healthy Start, Grow Smart: Your Newborn (US Department of Education)
- Healthy Start, Grow Smart: Your One Month Old (US Department of Education)
- Healthy Start, Grow Smart: Your Two Month Old (US Department of Education)
- Healthy Start, Grow Smart: Your Three Month Old (US Department of Education)
- Healthy Start, Grow Smart: Your Four Month Old (US Department of Education)
- Healthy Start, Grow Smart: Your Five Month Old (US Department of Education)
- Healthy Start, Grow Smart: Your Six Month Old (US Department of Education)
- Healthy Start, Grow Smart: Your Seven Month Old (US Department of Education)
- Healthy Start, Grow Smart: Your Eight Month Old (US Department of Education)
- Healthy Start, Grow Smart: Your Nine Month Old (US Department of Education)
- Healthy Start, Grow Smart: Your Ten Month Old (US Department of Education)
- Healthy Start, Grow Smart: Your Eleven Month Old (US Department of Education)
- Healthy Start, Grow Smart: Your Twelve Month Old (US Department of Education)
- Bullying
- Burn Prevention
- Burns (MEDLINEplus Health Information)
- Children Playing With Fire (Burn Institute)
- Car Safety
- Reducing the Risk Of Rollover Crashes in 15-Passenger Vans (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
- Child Abuse
- Child Abuse (MEDLINEplus Health Information)
- National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Child Care
- Child Care
- Child Care Health Consultants
- Children With Special Needs
- Choosing Child Care
- Child Care Aware (a national resource for referrals to Child Care providers)
- Search lists of NAEYC accredited centers
- Emergency Preparedness/Disaster Planning
- Head Start Disaster Preparedness Workbook
- Disaster Preparedness American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
- Environmental Exposure
- Healthy Indoor Air for America’s Homes (Partnership program of the Environmental Protection Agency, Montana State Univ. Extension Service, and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture)
- Children’s Environmental Health Network
- Handwashing
- 2002 Update on Hand Hygiene in Child (Day) Care (Child Care Information Exchange)
- Head Start
- Health
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Child Health Toolbox (Performance Measures)
- Bright Futures
- California Child Care Health Program
- CCHP Health and Safety Checklist – Revised (California Childcare Health Program)
- CCHP Health and Safety Policies Checklist (California Childcare Health Program)
- Child Health Guide (Agency for Health, Research and Quality)
- Children’s Health (MEDLINEplus Health Information)
- Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Online
- Healthfinder (your guide to reliable health information)
- Health Links (the Pennsylvania AAP Early Childhood Linkage System (ECELS) health newsletter)
- Healthy Child Care APP
- Telling the Story
- National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health (NCEMCH)
- Netwellness: Children’s Health (Univ. of Cincinnati, Ohio State Univ., and Case Western Reserve Univ.)
- Health Insurance
- Hearing Loss
- Opening Doors: Technology and Communication Options for Children with Hearing Loss (US Department of Education)
- Immunization
- Latex
- Occupational Latex Allergies (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
- Lead Poisoning
- CDC Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- National Lead Information Center
- Licensing
- Mental/Social/Emotional Health
- Bright Futures in Practice: Mental Health
- Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Online
- Child Behavior Disorders (MEDLINEplus Health Information)
- Military Child Care
- Multicultural Resources
- Nutrition
- Oral Health
- Child Dental Health (MEDLINEplus Health Information)
- National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center
- Oral Health and Learning: When Children’s Oral Health Suffers, So Does Their Ability to Learn(National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health)
- Organizations
- Parenting
- Zero to Three (developmental information on infants to toddlers)
- Playground Safety
- Poisoning
- Quality
- 13 Indicators of Quality Child Care: Research Update, by Richard Fiene, PhD
- Child Care/Head Start Partnership Study: Final Report (Education Development Center, Inc.)
- Research
- Safety
- American Society for Testing and Materials standards
- CCHP Health and Safety Checklist – Revised (California Childcare Health Program)
- CCHP Health and Safety Policies Checklist (California Childcare Health Program)
- Child Safety (MEDLINEplus Health Information)
- Personal Safety for Children: A Guide for Parents (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children)
- Safe Kids Worldwide
- The Online Source for Injury Prevention Literature (San Diego State Univ. Graduate School of Public Health)
- School Age Child Care
- SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
- A Child Care Provider’s Guide to Safe Sleep (Healthy Child Care America Back to Sleep Campaign)
- A Parent’s Guide to Safe Sleep (Healthy Child Care America Back to Sleep Campaign)
- Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play (Healthy Child Care America Back to Sleep Campaign)
- First Candle/SIDS Alliance
- Healthy Child Care APP Back to Sleep Campaign
- Reduce the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) (American Academy of Pediatrics)
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (MEDLINEplus Health Information)
- Smoking
- Secondhand Smoke and Children (American Academy of Otolaryngology)
- Tobacco (geared for kids) (Saskatchewan Lung Association)
- Sun Safety
- Support Groups
- Developed by the Genetic Alliance a directory of parental support groups by congential syndrome.
- Temperatures, Safe
- Child Care Weather Watch (Healthy Child Care Iowa)
- Training Materials
- Child Care Training Curriculum (California Child Care Health Program)
- TrustLine