- Action Alliance for Children www.4children.org Action Alliance for Children exists to inform, educate, and inspire a statewide constituency of people who work with and on behalf of children by providing the most reliable information on current issues, trends, and public policies that affect children and families.
- American Academy of Pediatrics www.aap.org
- Association of California School Administrators www.acsa.org
- Building Child Care www.buildingchildcare.org
- California Adolescent Health Collaborative www.californiateenhealth.org
- California Advocacy Institute www.caichildlaw.org
- California Alternative Payment Program Association www.cappaonline.com
- California Association for the Education of Young Children www.caeyc.org
- California Association for Family Child Care www.cafcc.org
- California Child Development Coalition www.ccdaa.org
- California Children and Family Association www.f5ac.org
- California Council of Parent Participation Nursery School www.ccppns.org
- California Early Childhood Mentor Program www.ecementor.org
- California School Age Consortium www.calsac.org
- California Voices 4 Child www.4children.org
- California Women’s Law Center www.cwlc.org
- Center for Child Care Workforce www.ccw.org
- Child Care Law Center www.childcarelaw.org
- Child Care Resources www.childcare.org
- Child Development Policy Institute www.cdpi.net
- Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) www.childdevelopment.org
- Child Welfare League of America www.cwla.org
- Children’s Defense Fund www.childrensdefense.org
- Children’s Foundation www.childrensfoundation.org
- Children’s Institute International www.childrensinstitute.org
- Children Now www.childrennow.org
- County Welfare Directors Association of California www.cwda.org
- Docs for Tots www.docsfortots.org
- Fight Crime: Invest in Kids CA www.fightcrime.org/ca/
- Getting Ready www.gettingready.org
- Healthy Child Care www.healthychild.net
- Labor Project For Working Families www.laborproject.org
- National Association for Family Child Care www.nafcc.org
- National Association for the Education of Young Children www.naeyc.org
- National Black Child Development Institute www.nbcdi.org
- National Center for Children in Poverty www.nccp.org
- National Child Care Association www.nccanet.org
- National Child Care Information Center http://nccic.org
- National Head Start Association www.nhsa.org
- National School Age Care Alliance www.nsaca.org
- Parent Teachers Association – California www.capta.org
- Parent Voices www.parentvoices.org
- Preschool California www.preschoolcalifornia.org
- Professional Association for Childhood Educators www.pacenet.org
- Stand for Children www.stand.org
- The Center for the Future Children www.futureofchildren.org
- Zero to Three www.zerotothree.org
Other Government Agencies
- California Children and Families Commission www.ccfc.ca.gov
- California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division www.ccld.ca.gov
- Child Development Division (CDD) www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cd/
- Consumer Product Safety Commission www.cpsc.gov
- Department of Education www.cde.ca.gov
- First 5 California Children and Families Commission www.ccfc.ca.gov
- Information on Legislation www.leginfo.ca.gov
- Little Hoover Commission www.lhc.ca.gov
- On the Capitol Doorstep www.otcdkids.com
- Office of Special Education Program www.ed.gov/offices/OSERS/OSEP
- US Department of Education www.ed.gov
- State of California www.ca.gov