Use this checklist to begin your search for quality Family Child Care. Take the time to find the right home!


  • What is the size and ages of the group?

  • Does the schedule meet your needs?

  • Is the Child Care license current?

  • What are the fees (weekly/part-time…)?

  • Do the contracts and policies meet your needs?

  • What is the sick and vacation pay policy?

  • Is transportation provided?

  • Are there pets in the home?

  • Is the resmoking in the home?

  • Are nutritious meals and snacks provided?

  • Can you get references from enrolled or previously enrolled parents?


  • Are all the children’s areas clean and safe?

  • Are safety plugs in all unused electrical outlets?

  • Are pools fenced or a pool cover locked up, yet visible?

  • Are poisonous products in locked storage out of reach?

  • Are poisonous plants (indoors and out) out of the children’s reach?

  • Is the Provider prepared for emergencies?

  • Are fire extinguishers and smoke detectors in place and operable?

  • Is there an evacuation plan?

  • Is the Provider trained in First Aid and CPR?


  • Is the resufficient space and materials for the children?

  • Does the program and schedule meet the needs of your child?

  • Are there active and quiet periods?

  • Arc there indoor and outdoor times?

  • Does the Provider understand how children learn?

  • Does the Provider provide a variety of equipment and materials?

  • Are materials arranged so children can select on their own?


  • Do you feel this Provider will develop a warm, caring relationship with your child?

  • Is the Provider friendly and affectionate with the children?

  • Does the Provider listen to the children and treat them respectfully?

  • Is the Provider easy to talk to?

  • Does the Provider use positive discipline with clearly stated rules that reflect your values?

  • Does the Provider pursue professional training and accreditation?

Remember, it pays to pay for quality Child Care

Once the child is in a Family Child Care home, it is very important to maintain an open communication between the parents and the Provider to share positive observations and discuss concerns.