CDR is Ventura County’s Child Development Resource Partner.
We are proud to offer a variety of Child Care development resources and a foundation to build promising futures for children.
We deliver programs that enrich lives.

What is Family Child Care?

Family Child Care is the care of a small group of children in the Provider’s home. It is the most common form of Child Care. A Family Child Care home can be licensed as a small, caring for up to 8 children, or a large, caring for up to 14 children, with an assistant. Many parents select Family Child Care because of the small group home atmosphere, multiple ages, a consistent care-giver and convenient, flexible hours.

Family Child Care is a small home-based business. Providers develop parent contracts with their own policies, schedules and fees. Parents are encouraged to review contracts with Providers before enrolling a child under their care.

The State of California, Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division (CCL) establishes the legal requirements for Family Child Care Homes. Parents have the option of choosing a small or a large Family Child Care home. Parents may contact CCL about regulation questions, and to check for any complaints against a Child Care Home.

Parents have the right and responsibility to make careful choices and to be good consumers of Child Care. This brochure is intended to assist parents in their search for Family Child Care and to support Providers in their commitment to offer the highest quality Child Care services possible.

Family Child Care Homes offer a wide variety of settings and programs. Parents need to visit several homes and make a decision based on their own priorities and feelings about the particular home and the Provider that they select.

Training & Educational Opportunities

“Getting Started” Workshop

Helping Providers start their business: Contracts, Insurance, Marketing, Record-keeping and Support Systems.

Familia sonriente con un bebé, una niña y sus padres.

Family-to-Family Child Care Course

Helping new and experienced Providers improve and enhance their skills. Presented by Oxnard College.

  • Making Family Child Care business work.
  • Creating positive learning environments.
  • Working with children’s behavior.
  • Creating a safe and healthy environment.
  • Parent/Provider relationships.


National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) accredits and provides professional recognition to Family Child Care homes that meet and exceed national licensing standards for high-quality Child Care.

College Courses

Increasing Provider’s knowledge and skills:

  • Family Child Care Certificate Program – Oxnard College
  • Family-to-Family Classes – Oxnard College
  • Child Development Classes Moorpark, Oxnard and Ventura Colleges

Workshops, Seminars, Technical Assistance

Offered by CDR, Provider Associations, and other child related groups.

Elements of a Quality Home

The children are well supervised and cared for by an adequate number of adults. Infants and toddlers can crawl, walk and move about freely.

School age children understand and follow established rules. They have a place to do homework or projects.

The Child Care areas of the home are safe and clean. Other areas are closed or gated. All equipment is washed frequently and is kept in good repair. The Provider uses safe hygiene habits such as hand washing when changing diapers, blowing noses and preparing food. The children learn good healthy habits. The meals and snacks are nutritious and appealing to the children.

It is the Parent’s responsibility to:

  • Protect the welfare of their child.
  • Monitor the condition of the home.
  • Understand and comply with the terms of the Provider’s contract.
  • Make timely Child Care payments.
  • Discuss problems with the Provider as soon as possible.
  • Inform the Provider of unusual happenings in your home.
  • Contact the State licensing agency if children’s safety is endangered.

It is the Provider’s responsibility to:

  • Protect the welfare of their child.
  • Have a clear, written contract/agreement with each parent.
  • Communicate frequently with parents about their child.
  • Discuss problems with parents as soon as possible.
  • Comply with all state regulations.
  • Provide quality Child Care services.
  • Report any suspected child abuse.

Provider Qualities

The Provider is warm, friendly and energetic. The Provider enjoys their work. The Provider plays and interacts with the children. The Provider is respectful and affectionate with them, cuddling infants and hugging the children. The children like the Provider and come to the Provider for help.

The Provider uses positive discipline with clearly stated rules. The Provider redirects

  • Building Materials infants and toddlers Small
  • And Toys helps older children
  • Creative Art Materials work out solutions
  • Physical punishment is not
  • DramaticPlay permitted in licensed
  • Music Family Child Care Homes.
  • Large Muscle The Play methods of discipline
  • Puzzles fit with the parents’
  • Running and values Jumping.
  • Crayons
  • Riding Toys
  • Play Dough

Parents can talk easily with the Provider. The Provider communicates events and details about the child’s day.

The Provider sees themself as a professional and pursues training in working with children through workshops. classes,

professional associations and formal accreditation.