Provider Resources

Provider Resources2024-11-08T02:52:01-08:00


We are committed to supporting State Subsidized Child Development contractors in our county. Whether working in a Child Care center, a state preschool, a school-age program, an after school program, or as a provider from the Alternative Payment program, Campus or Migrant center, we can help you in many ways.

Provider’s Guide

Download our comprehensive Provider’s Guide.

For changes made to Provider’s Guide, please see here.

Resource List

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a CDR Staff Contact List?2025-03-13T12:16:57-07:00
How do providers or parents submit changes?2020-04-20T22:12:36-07:00

Parents are to contact their PSS to report any changes via phone, email, fax, or using the afterhours box. Providers are to contact their Contracts Specialist either by phone or email.  Stage 1 Parents are to contact their assigned PSS and their CalWORKS case manager to report any changes via phone, email, fax, or using the afterhours box.

will I get paid if children are absent, how to record absences if children are not there?2020-04-20T22:10:57-07:00

Yes, they can submit CCAS without a parent signature, they will need to note any absences such as family emergency, illness, COVID-19, and they will be paid as excused absences.

Are we going to get paid if the mom stops working?2020-04-20T22:09:45-07:00

Yes, there are no changes to not less than 12-month eligibility at this time and reimbursement will be based on the authorization for services.  Stage 1 parents must report changes to their CalWORKs case manager and there assigned CDR Specialist

Are attendance sheets still due by the third business day of the month for Stage 1, First 5 and Bridge programs?2020-04-20T22:07:58-07:00

Yes, providers have the choice to submit the attendance sheets through the Care Control Mobile (CCM) App, utilizing the CDR drop box, or by mail.

Can the Parent choose a backup provider if their provider is currently closed?2020-04-20T22:06:34-07:00

Yes. An alternate provider may be used but the assigned Specialist must be contacted prior to authorization.

Can parents still use childcare?2020-04-20T22:05:13-07:00

Yes. Childcare services are still approved to use during this time.  Families needing services are presumed to be essential workers (link to list per CDE, If the provider has served the groups listed in this link and still has space in their program per the group size guidelines, they should consider enrolling private paying essential workers at their discretion. When the state of emergency has been lifted, providers will be expected to resume serving all children receiving subsidies that are currently enrolled that may return to care therefore any arrangement with private paying parents should consider that requirement.

What If Parent is not available to sign the childcare attendance sheet?2020-04-20T22:02:58-07:00

If parent is not available provider must write on the CCAS “Parent unavailable to sign Due to Covid-19”

Will childcare providers get reimbursed if the child did not attend due to Covid-19?2020-04-20T21:56:13-07:00

Yes, the provider will be reimbursed for and excused absence when “Child did not attend due to Covid-19” is documented on the submitted CCAS.

Can Childcare Providers accept more children beyond their licensed capacity?2020-04-20T21:50:16-07:00

Please contact Community Care Licensing because this only affects Small FCC’s and Exempt providers. Click here:

Are you unsure what to do, should I close my daycare or remain open?2020-04-20T21:48:16-07:00

Child Development Resources (CDR) cannot under any circumstances make this decision for you. This is a business decision each provider must make for themselves. CDR is here to support you in whatever decision you make.

If their CPR is about to expire, will they an extension from Community Care Licensing?2020-04-20T21:46:49-07:00

During COVID-19 State of Emergency, Community Care Licensing will work with the Licensee’s closely. CPR certification will be review and/or extended, however, it’s important the Licensee’s communicate with their LPAs.

If someone is in the process of getting license, how long will it take to get licensed if they have already submitted their application?2020-04-20T21:45:09-07:00

It’s on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the urgency need of day-care for essential employees.

Where to get information about Pop-up childcare?2020-04-20T21:42:35-07:00

Pop-up childcare or Operation of Temporary Employer Sponsored Child Care can also be found in the following PIN; PIN 20-04-CCP

What are the CCL Licensing waivers for capacity for a small FCC or Large FCC?2020-04-20T21:35:51-07:00

The Child to caregiver ratio of no more that 10:1. You will find additional information on the PIN 20-06-CCP.

What documents do I need to apply for Head Start or Early Head Start Programs?2019-01-16T02:34:24-08:00

A Head Start/Early Head Start Waiting List and Enrollment Application. The documents highlighted below must be attached to expedite processing:

A) Child’s Birth Certificate

B) Proof of Family’s Gross Annual Income: 1040’s, W-2’s for every employment held, Income documentation of the last 12 months, Current Notice of Action for Cal Works/TANF Cash Aid

C) Child’s current Immunization Record.

D) For expected mothers, Proof of Pregnancy with expected delivery date.

Take or mail application with attached copies of documents to the nearest Head Start Center or the CDR Main office located at: 221 E. Ventura Blvd. Oxnard, CA 93036. (805) 485-7878. Fax: (805) 278-0485. TDD (805) 278-0855. To download a Head Start/Early Head Start Application or for locations of Head Start Centers, visit our website at

How can I get involved with Head Start and Early Head Start?2019-01-21T17:32:42-08:00

Head Start and Early Head Start programs welcome and encourage parents and families to get involved in their child’s education. You can find out more about getting involved by contacting the CDR Head Start department.

Eligibility is based on income, age of child and family size.

What are my other options if my child is ineligible?2024-12-17T13:06:36-08:00

Child Development Resources also administers the Resource and Referral Programs. Contact this department to obtain assistance in locating other child care and/or preschool programs and services in your community.  Contact them directly at 1(805) 485-7878 Ext. 1512.

What if my income level is over the family income guidelines?2019-01-05T03:13:54-08:00

Good news! When available, Head Start programs can enroll a limited number of children whose families are above the income guidelines.  Complete the application process to be considered.

Does Head Start and Early Head Start Programs accept children with disabilities or special needs?2024-12-17T13:08:34-08:00

Yes, we do! We know that all children deserve Head Start. Our agencies are required to enroll a certain number of students with an individual education plan (IEP) or an individual family service plan (IFSP).

Does Supplemental Security Income (SSI) count if the parent or sibling are the recipients?2019-01-05T03:09:45-08:00

Yes, if any parent or sibling are receiving Supplemental Security Income family is income eligible. No other form of income documentation is required.

Are homeless families eligible to enroll their child(ren) into Head Start or Early Head Start Programs?2024-12-17T13:10:30-08:00

Yes, Families experiencing Homelessness are eligible, regardless of family income. Contact your local Head Start Center to find out more about eligibility.

Are children in foster care eligible for Head Start and Early Head Start?2024-12-17T13:13:18-08:00

Yes, children in foster care are eligible, regardless of family income. Contact your local Head Start Center to find out more about eligibility.

Are families eligible if they receive public assistance?2024-12-17T13:14:24-08:00

Yes, Families receiving TANF/CalWORKs are eligible, regardless of family income. Contact your local Head Start Center to find out more about eligibility.

How would my child be eligible for Head Start or Early Head Start Programs?2019-01-16T03:29:22-08:00

Eligibility is based on family income, family size, and age of your child. Early Head Start is for children from birth to age three and pregnant mothers. Head Start is for children ages three to five years.

How can I find a program near me?2019-01-17T06:43:51-08:00

Click here to find the Head Start programs near you!  You can also call us directly at 1-805-485-7878 Ext. 470.

Who do I contact to update my CDR case?2018-12-20T09:05:57-08:00

Contact your assigned CDR Parent Services Specialist within 5 days at the Stage One offices listed on the Child Care assistance page.

Who do I contact to notify a change with my Child Care provider?2019-01-30T22:07:39-08:00

Contact your assigned CDR Parent Services Specialist within 5 days at the Stage One offices listed on the Child Care assistance page.

My activity has changed and I need more Child Care hours, who shall I contact?2018-12-19T01:43:41-08:00

Contact your assigned CalWORKs case manager.  Call your assigned CalWORKs case manager at the Stage One offices listed on the Child Care assistance page.

My Stage One case was terminated due to an expired Child Care referral, how can I reinstate my Child Care?2018-12-19T01:43:45-08:00

Contact your assigned CalWORKs case manager.  Call your assigned CalWORKs case manager at the Stage One offices listed on the Child Care assistance page.

How do I obtain children to care for in my facility?2019-01-19T12:06:52-08:00

Child Development Resources (CDR), Resource and Referral department maintains a database of licensed Family Child Care homes. Parents inquiring about licensed Child Care will be given a referral list of providers based on age, schedule, location, and other various circumstances. The parent may then choose to contact the Providers on their list. The Provider will make decisions whether to accept a child into care, based upon licensed capacity, as well as how the child would fit in with other children already in care.

Providers may wish to advertise in the local newspaper, online and inform local elementary schools that you have openings for Child Care.

Providers may also join a Child Care Association. Child Care referrals are also made by each Association.

What safety regulations should I be aware of?2019-03-18T03:04:57-07:00

Firearms and other dangerous weapons must be stored and locked during the hours that children are in care. Ammunition must be locked separately.

Swimming pools must be fenced with a five (5) foot fence made of material, which does not obscure the pool from view and has a self locking gate or is covered with an approved device.

Family Child Care providers must comply with the Title 2 Regulations which can be found at the link below:

Child Care Centers must comply with the Title 22 Regulations for centers which can be found here:

How many children may I care for?2018-12-18T12:20:12-08:00

A small Family Child Care home may care for up to eight (8)

children, including your own children who are not yet 10 years old.

If a licensee would like to open a large Family Child Care home to

more than eight children, and up to 14, contact the licensing agency

for special instructions.

What is the difference between Babysitting and Family Child Care”?2018-12-18T12:18:53-08:00

Babysitting is provided in the child’s residence, while Family Child Care is provided in the care giver’s residence. In addition, Family Child Care is usually regular care, while babysitting is usually on an irregular and short term basis. Providers may wish to include a program for children that develop their social, emotional, cognitive and physical skills.

Who Regulates Family Child Care?2018-12-18T12:17:21-08:00

The State Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing is the regulatory agency for Child Care.

What is Family Child Care?2024-10-11T04:50:00-07:00

Family Child Care is regularly provided care and supervision of a group of children in the home of a care giver while their parents are away. Usually, care is provided during the hours a parent works.

How do I obtain a license?2019-03-18T03:44:18-07:00

Contact Community Care Licensing at (805) 562-0400. You may contact Resource & Referral for assistance by calling (805) 485-7878 Ext. 1512.

Information on orientation meeting dates will be mailed to you. Orientation sessions are held in the following cities in Ventura County: Oxnard, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo.

How much does a license cost?2019-03-18T03:59:55-07:00

There is a $25 registration fee to attend a licensing orientation meeting for Family Child Care, a $73 application fee for small Family Child Care Homes and $140 fee for a large Family Child Care license. Additional fees for fingerprinting/livescan, Tuberculosis tests, CPR, First Aid, and Health and Safety Training will also be incurred. Finally, a renewal fee to maintain a Family Child Care Home license will be owed on an annual basis to maintain your license

How much should I charge for Child Care fees?2019-01-19T12:12:56-08:00

The fee is set by the individual Provider. Contact a local Child Care Association or Child Development Resources for their suggestions about basic charges, overtime charges, holidays, and holding rates for children who are home sick or on vacation.

If my bank account is closed how will I receive my payment?2018-12-18T10:32:58-08:00

Once CDR receives the notification from your financial institution, a live check will be mailed out to the address on file. Please note: a check will not be available until the bank notification is received and a second method for reimbursements will be required.

Why did I receive a zero deposit in my account?2018-12-18T10:31:53-08:00

This is CDR’s way of validating account information that was submitted for Direct Deposit/ACH. If this amount was deposited, you will receive a live check mailed out to you the last business day of the processing month. Your next reimbursement will be fully deposited into your account.

I do not have access to a printer, can CDR print my attendance sheets for me?2018-12-18T10:31:06-08:00

Only under certain circumstances will CDR print Child Care Attendance Sheets. It is recommended that a provider who has limited access to a printer seek one out from the following establishments: Local library, Job and Career Centers, local print shop, etc.

Can I get paid without turning in any Child Care Attendance Sheets and submit only my In/Out logs?2018-12-18T10:30:15-08:00

No. CDR requires that a CDR printed Child Care Attendance Sheet be submitted for reimbursement monthly.

What is the due date to turn in Child Care Attendance Sheets for processing?2018-12-18T10:29:17-08:00

The due date to submit Child Care Attendance Sheets for processing is the third business day of the following service month that childcare was provided. Please see CDR’s current Calendar of Child Care Attendance Sheet Due Dates here >>

How do I fill out my Child Care Attendance Sheet?2018-12-18T10:28:23-08:00

Please refer to the guidelines given to you in your orientation packet for guidance. You may also call Provider Services at 805.485.7878 ext. 457.

Where do I mail my Child Care Attendance Sheets for reimbursement?2018-12-18T10:27:15-08:00

Although CDR encourages providers to drop off Child Care Attendance Sheets in the designated drop box for timely processing, providers may mail CCAS to:

Child Development Resources

Attn: Provider Services Unit

221 E. Ventura Blvd.

Oxnard, CA 93036

Where do I mail my Child Care Attendance Sheets for reimbursement?2018-12-18T10:25:47-08:00

Although CDR encourages providers to drop off Child Care Attendance Sheets in the designated drop box for timely processing, providers may mail CCAS to:

Child Development Resources

Attn: Provider Services Unit

221 E. Ventura Blvd.

Oxnard, CA 93036

How do I become a contracted CDR provider?2018-12-18T10:24:51-08:00

Please see our Resource & Referral page by clicking here >>

How do I submit the CEWL application?2024-11-15T10:46:41-08:00

Apply online at CEWL Application

I’m on cash-aid and can’t afford Child Care. How can I get some help to pay for it?2019-01-19T11:52:13-08:00

You need to get in touch with your eligibility worker with the county and notify your worker that you are in need of Child Care. Your worker should refer you to the CalWORKs Stage One Child Care contractor for the county, or if you have to apply for the Eligibility Waiting List, to Child Development Resources.

When will I know when it’s my turn?2025-01-29T22:41:03-08:00

You will be notified by phone or mail when funding becomes available. At that time your income, family size, and other information will be verified to assure that your family falls within the income rank we are currently enrolling. You will be asked to provide written documentation of your income; employment, school enrollment, and other information needed to determine eligibility for Child Care services. If we determine that your actual rank income puts your family higher than the ranks we are presently enrolling, your application will be returned to the Child Development Resources Eligibility Waiting List. You must have a documented need for Child Care because you are working, seeking work, or attending school or training for all of the programs except for Head Start and State Preschool. If you do not have a valid need for Child Care at the time you are notified of enrollment, your application will be returned to the Child Development Resources Eligibility Waiting List unless you are being contacted by Head Start.

How long will I have to wait? I’ve been on your list for years. How come I’ve never been called to get on the program? What are my chances of getting my child (ren) in the program?2019-01-16T07:35:29-08:00

We cannot tell you how long you’ll have to wait on the Child Development Resources Eligibility Waiting List. When a person applies his/her name gets placed on a computerized waiting list. New families are enrolled when funding becomes available. This happens when families leave the program or when the agency receives new funds to expand the program. When we have openings (funding/money) available, the funding source requires us to enroll families starting with those with the lowest income.

Each applicant is responsible for keeping his or her application current. Failure to update will cause the family to be dropped from the Child Development Resources Eligibility Waiting List. You may call to update your information or to request an application whenever there’s a change in any of the following: Name, Address, Phone Number, Income, Marital Status, Family Size, Employment/Education.

What services does the program offer?2024-10-11T04:55:36-07:00

Eligible families who are certified for the Alternative Payment Program (APP) may choose Child Care of their choice with a licensed Child Care center or Family Child Care home, or with an unlicensed adult such as a relative, friend or neighbor who will care for the parent’s children only. Or, eligible families may be enrolled by a specific Child Care center.

In APP all Child Care providers must complete an approval process with the appropriate Alternative Payment Program (APP) agency and receive a provider agreement before they can receive reimbursement for children in their care. Children in the same family can have different Child Care providers. Parents can change Child Care arrangements with prior approval by the Parent Services Specialist. Depending on the parents’ needs, children can receive services full-time or part-time, as well as in the evening, overnight or on weekends. This program does NOT reimburse private school tuition for children attending kindergarten or elementary school. Only before-and-after school childcare, as well as full-time during off-track, summer or holiday periods can be reimbursed.

In a Head Start or center-based program, your child will be enrolled in a specific center; in some cases the child must be three or four years old. When your name is next on the Child Development Resources Eligibility Waiting List, the agency will explain which of these programs you are being enrolled in.

Who is eligible for the program?2024-02-08T10:07:08-08:00

Qualifying families with children ages 0-12 years must meet specific requirements, such as the need for child care and be income or categorically eligible.

What do I do if I disagree with an any action pertaining to Child Care services?2018-12-10T22:39:22-08:00

Refer to the direction on the most recent Notice of Action. Refer to page 16 of the Parent Handbook.

When is a doctor note required for absences?2018-12-10T22:39:22-08:00

A doctor note is required after 5 days of consecutive absences. Refer to page 12 of the Parent Handbook.

Who documents attendance on the Child Care Attendance Sheet?2018-12-10T22:39:22-08:00

Both parent or provider document attendance. A parent’s signature/date is required verifying Child Care services were used at the end of the service month. The provider’s signature/date is required after the parent verifying all information on the Child Care Attendance Sheet is accurate prior to submitting to CDR.

Missing parent or provider signature may delay reimbursement or may be considered a non-reimbursement.

View sample Child Care Attendance Sheet

Who do I contact when the Child Care Attendance Sheet is not available for my provider?2018-12-10T22:39:22-08:00

Refer to your assigned Parent Service Specialist noted on the most recent Notice of Action.

What are clients required to report to their assigned Parent Services Specialist?2018-12-10T22:39:22-08:00

Clients are no longer required to report changes within 5 days.

Clients are required to report the following:

  • Report an increase in income that exceed the exit threshold 85% of the SMI
  • Request for the Family Fee to be re-assessed when there are changes in income
  • Request an increase or decrease in Child Care services hours as needed

Clients voluntarily report the following changes:

  • Phone number or address
  • Request a change of provider
  • Change in family size
  • Changes to schedules for authorization of Child Care services


How long are Child Care services certified for?2018-12-10T22:39:22-08:00

Child Care services are certified for 12 months, the duration of time Child Care services is certified will be noted on the Notice of Action and Notice of Communication provided to the client and provider.

How does a provider know Child Care services are certified?2018-12-10T22:39:22-08:00

Once eligibility and need are verified CDR’s decision to approve Child Care services will be communicated through a Notice of Communication and provided to the provider.

How does a client know Child Care services are certified?2018-12-10T22:39:22-08:00

Once eligibility and need are verified CDR’s decision to approve or deny Child Care services will be communicated through a written statement referred to as Notice of Action and provided to the client.

Who do I contact to change my Child Care provider?2019-01-30T22:07:13-08:00

Contact your assigned CDR Parent Services Specialist within 5 days. See the parent services page.

My activity has changed and I need more Child Care hours. Who shall I contact?2018-12-10T22:39:23-08:00

Contact your assigned CalWORKs case manager.  Call your assigned CalWORKs case manager at the offices listed on the Child Care assistance page.

My Stage One case was terminated due to an expired Child Care referral, how can I reinstate my Child Care? Who shall I contact?2018-12-10T22:39:23-08:00

Contact your assigned CalWORKs case manager.  Call your assigned CalWORKs case manager at the offices listed on the CalWORKs Locations page.

How do I receive Stage One Child Care services if I have never received it before?2025-01-29T22:46:24-08:00

Contact the CalWORKs offices  for eligibility information.

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