Head Start Programs Ventura County
Our Head Start Program prepares Ventura County’s most vulnerable young children to succeed in school and become lifelong learners.
Head Start, created in 1965 under the Head Start Act (42 USC 9801, et seq.), is a national program that provides comprehensive child development services primarily to low‐income children (ages zero to five) and their families. Head Start promotes school readiness by enhancing the physical, social, and cognitive development of children through educational, health, nutritional, social, and other services. It also recognizes the important role of parents, encouraging them to participate in a variety of activities and experiences that support and foster their children’s development and learning, and helping them to progress toward their educational, literacy, and employment goals. Head Start also requires programs to provide opportunities for parental involvement in the development, conduct, and governance of local programs through participation in policy groups (e.g. Policy Councils).
Benefits for Entire Family
Parents as Partners
We partner with parents and emphasize their role as the child’s first and most important teacher in our Head Start Programs.
In partnership with parents, our staff:
Parent and family engagement services include an extensive parent education program that emphasizes fulfillment of parental responsibilities and family self-sufficiency. CDR provides all family support services in the family’s primary language, recognizing and honoring cultural preferences and traditions.