CDR has been of service to our community for over 30 years. At CDR everything we do is governed by our vision, guiding principles and core values. They are inherent to who we are and for what we stand. Our success as an organization is a direct result of our employees’ dedication and commitment to our mission.
As times change and technology becomes more prevalent in today’s world, we believe that it is time for us to take a moment, set new goals and rethink our online presence to better serve our community and constituents. We are working on a new web portal set to launch the beginning of 2019, that will: –
• Make it easy for parents to find and apply for subsidized Child Care
• Inform and empower parents and providers in Ventura County
• Make information easy to find, understand and user friendly for everyone
• Improve the quality of Child Care services
• Provide local job and community center information
With these goals in mind, we invite you to experience the new Child Development Resources of Ventura County as we take a leap forward into the new generation of Child Care.
More information to follow.