Family Coronavirus Resources and Updates

Dear CDR Parents,

As we are dealing with the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) the safety and well being of our clients and staff is our priority. We want to encourage parents to continue to be engaged with their children during the closure of our preschools and home visits. We are providing resources and activities for you and your child to work together at home as well as community resources that can be found on our website at

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and on our CDR website at for current information and ongoing program updates.

Child Care Department

Recent updates: 3/30/2020

Provider FAQ’s

Can Childcare Providers accept more children beyond their licensed capacity?2020-04-20T21:50:16-07:00

Please contact Community Care Licensing because this only affects Small FCC’s and Exempt providers. Click here:

Are you unsure what to do, should I close my daycare or remain open?2020-04-20T21:48:16-07:00

Child Development Resources (CDR) cannot under any circumstances make this decision for you. This is a business decision each provider must make for themselves. CDR is here to support you in whatever decision you make.

If their CPR is about to expire, will they an extension from Community Care Licensing?2020-04-20T21:46:49-07:00

During COVID-19 State of Emergency, Community Care Licensing will work with the Licensee’s closely. CPR certification will be review and/or extended, however, it’s important the Licensee’s communicate with their LPAs.

If someone is in the process of getting license, how long will it take to get licensed if they have already submitted their application?2020-04-20T21:45:09-07:00

It’s on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the urgency need of day-care for essential employees.

Where to get information about Pop-up childcare?2020-04-20T21:42:35-07:00

Pop-up childcare or Operation of Temporary Employer Sponsored Child Care can also be found in the following PIN; PIN 20-04-CCP

What are the CCL Licensing waivers for capacity for a small FCC or Large FCC?2020-04-20T21:35:51-07:00

The Child to caregiver ratio of no more that 10:1. You will find additional information on the PIN 20-06-CCP.

Subsidized Reimbursement for Providers, Family and Parents FAQ’s

How do providers or parents submit changes?2020-04-20T22:12:36-07:00

Parents are to contact their PSS to report any changes via phone, email, fax, or using the afterhours box. Providers are to contact their Contracts Specialist either by phone or email.  Stage 1 Parents are to contact their assigned PSS and their CalWORKS case manager to report any changes via phone, email, fax, or using the afterhours box.

will I get paid if children are absent, how to record absences if children are not there?2020-04-20T22:10:57-07:00

Yes, they can submit CCAS without a parent signature, they will need to note any absences such as family emergency, illness, COVID-19, and they will be paid as excused absences.

Are we going to get paid if the mom stops working?2020-04-20T22:09:45-07:00

Yes, there are no changes to not less than 12-month eligibility at this time and reimbursement will be based on the authorization for services.  Stage 1 parents must report changes to their CalWORKs case manager and there assigned CDR Specialist

Are attendance sheets still due by the third business day of the month for Stage 1, First 5 and Bridge programs?2020-04-20T22:07:58-07:00

Yes, providers have the choice to submit the attendance sheets through the Care Control Mobile (CCM) App, utilizing the CDR drop box, or by mail.

Can the Parent choose a backup provider if their provider is currently closed?2020-04-20T22:06:34-07:00

Yes. An alternate provider may be used but the assigned Specialist must be contacted prior to authorization.

Can parents still use childcare?2020-04-20T22:05:13-07:00

Yes. Childcare services are still approved to use during this time.  Families needing services are presumed to be essential workers (link to list per CDE, If the provider has served the groups listed in this link and still has space in their program per the group size guidelines, they should consider enrolling private paying essential workers at their discretion. When the state of emergency has been lifted, providers will be expected to resume serving all children receiving subsidies that are currently enrolled that may return to care therefore any arrangement with private paying parents should consider that requirement.

What If Parent is not available to sign the childcare attendance sheet?2020-04-20T22:02:58-07:00

If parent is not available provider must write on the CCAS “Parent unavailable to sign Due to Covid-19”

Will childcare providers get reimbursed if the child did not attend due to Covid-19?2020-04-20T21:56:13-07:00

Yes, the provider will be reimbursed for and excused absence when “Child did not attend due to Covid-19” is documented on the submitted CCAS.

Family fees waived until June 30

On March 26, 2020, the California Department of Education (CDE), Early Learning and Care Division issued Management Bulletin 20-05 regarding waiving family fees until June 30, 2020. This Management Bulletin was issued as guidance to contractors after the enactment of Senate Bill 117.

Below are the details of this MB:

  • Effective for the service months of April 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020, family fees will be waived.
  • This waiver applies to all state-subsidized early learning and care programs.
  • Fees due for the service month of March still apply and paid for the service month of March 2020 will not be credited or refunded.
  • Family fees will resume the service month of July 1, 2020 in accordance with your certification or recertification.

Electronic Attendance

­­­­Child Development Resources (CDR) is excited to announce that we will be launching a new application from MCT called Care Connect Mobile. This new application will allow you to submit attendance records electronically. You will no longer need to print Child Care Attendance Sheets (CCAS) to submit and be reimbursed.

This new method can be utilized immediately, however pls note that if you chose to submit your CCAS electronically this month you will need to go back and enter all data from the beginning of the month. You may also choose to start at the beginning of next month.


Your Care Connect Mobile account is already set up. The following are simple instructions on how to log in and start using this application on your mobile device.

Electronic Attendance Instructions Part 1

Electronic Attendance Instructions Part 2

Instructions for electronic attendance when parent is unable to digitally sign: CCM App looking up parent submission info

We want to encourage parents to continue to be engaged with their children during the closure of our preschools and home visits. We are providing resources and activities for you and your child through our Head Start programs to work together at home as well as community resources that can be found on our website at

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