Child Care assistance

CalWORKs Stage One

CalWORKs Stage Two

CalWORKs Stage Three

Head Start Programs

Head Start (HS) Program/California State Preschool Program (CSPP)

This Program servers low-income 3- and 4- year old children and their families. Head Start program options include Center-Based/California State Preschool Program and Home-Based program

Early Head State (EHS) Program

This program serves low-income infants, toddlers under the age of 3, and pregnant women. Program options include Expectant Mothers, Toddler Center and Home-Based Programs.

Early Head Start –Child Care Partnership (EHS-CCP)

This program serves children ages zero to four years of age. Child Care providers offer flexible and convenient full-day and full-year services to families working full-time, enrolled in school or training program, and that are eligible for subsidized Child Care and EHS Services.

Child Care Referrals

The Resource and Referral program provides FREE Child Care referrals to all interested persons in Ventura County.